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全世界都在为2000年做准备, stocking up on everything from water and non-perishable food items to cash and radio batteries, 华盛顿州的斯波坎县也开始了自己的计划.

斯波坎县在1999年做出了决定,原因有几个, 包括应对未来的人口增长, 取消化粪池服务, 实现持久的成本效益,减少向斯波坎河排放的磷——是时候投资他们的未来了,建造一个新的绿地工厂. So, they started planning for a new facility plant and partnered with 正规博彩十大网站排名 in 2009 to design, 构建和操作它.

因为废水中的营养物质——如磷或氨——会促进藻类生长,并减少当地水道中的氧气, 去除营养物是新斯波坎县区域水回收设施(SCRWRF)处理工艺设计的关键路径。. 事实上, 新工厂面临的挑战是要满足美国所有处理工厂中最严格的磷许可限制.S.旨在保护斯波坎河和斯波坎湖.

But what if we showed you how the facility became the first to use process simulation, using 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Replica™ digital twins solutions software to design a greenfield, 使用最先进技术的, ultra-low phosphorus membrane bioreactor (MBR) system that’s ultimately removing over 99.它的污水中磷含量的9%?

  • 1 K+


  • 99 %

    removal in phosphorus in effluent (<0.05 mg/L TP) – powered by first use of process simulation to design an ultra-low phosphorus MBR system

正规博彩十大网站排名’ Replica Process whole plant simulation platform was put to the test on the SCRWRF DBO project. 结果表明,在最严格的合规条件下,仿真可以安全可靠地用于设计和评估同类首次技术.”


SCRWRF Lead Process Designer and former 正规博彩十大网站排名 Global Wastewater Process Simulation Technology Leader

Replica Process™简介

废水处理模型可以像泵的功率使用表示一样简单,也可以像计算流体动力学活性污泥或生物膜系统一样复杂. They consist of many mathematical equations that describe reactions and reaction rates of biological, 各种单元过程的化学和物理现象, and their accuracy varies upon what is being modeled and the sophistication of the model.

这听起来可能很复杂, but wastewater process models are actually powered by math you can do by hand. 然而, computers of course can do it much faster and when utilities today are constantly doing more with less, 这些快速, 可靠的结果在整个项目生命周期中带来不可否认的好处.

在scwrf的工艺设计阶段, 我们的团队依赖于工厂范围的流程模型, 使用正规博彩十大网站排名的Replica Process™仿真平台生成, 以前Pro2D2,与…结合 复制参数化设计™ to make decisions between using MBR or tertiary membranes and whether to use biological, 化学, 或生物和化学除磷技术.

复制过程是一个全厂模拟器,跟踪几十个不同的废水成分在每个单元过程, providing the capability to integrate process and design information to evaluate existing systems or size new ones. 因为膜是用于SCRWRF的, our team used the simulation to work through a range of considerations including unknown influent characteristics, the need for high confidence in achieving very low phosphorus limits (< 0.05 mg P/L), balancing the needs of phosphorus removal with nitrification and total nitrogen removal requirements, 降低资本和运营成本,最大限度地降低运营风险.


We ultimately elected to use MBR technology with 化学 enhancement at SCRWRF. 这个处理过程有600万个独立的膜纤维,可以过滤掉废水中几乎所有的悬浮固体. 然后对这些固体进行稳定和处理, before being trucked to a composting facility where they become a fertilizer product.

在2011年的这个新建设施中, 该县立即开始行动——从该市现有的污水处理设施中启动了超过80%的设计能力,每天处理约800万加仑的污水,最终每天去除约25磅的磷负荷,否则这些磷将被排入斯波坎河. This together with the low phosphorus limits (< 0.0.05 mg P/L),在启动时取得了卓越的成就.

scwrf不仅是第一个使用过程模拟设计超低磷MBR系统的绿地设施, it’s also the first to use process simulation to model the performance of aerobic digestion after anaerobic. 现在, 我们在斯波坎的运营团队使用Replica Process进行监控, to influence operational plans and to complete various scenarios in advance of future compliance requirements.


今天, 该县继续考虑将scwrf的A级再生水用于工业用途, 城市灌溉与湿地恢复. 水的再利用很重要,因为它减少了为满足地区用水需求而必须抽取的水量,从而使斯波坎河谷含水层受益,而且还可以增强斯波坎河的低流量, since much of the water in certain reaches of the Spokane River during the summer months is from the aquifer.

该工厂是该地区恢复活力的催化剂, 同时成为现有发展项目的好邻居. 我们实施了先进的SCADA系统,可以实现无人值守的操作,并将其与维护管理和操作优化程序相结合,以最大限度地降低操作和维护成本. 另外, SCRWRF’s cogeneration system – which captures biogas from the anaerobic digesters, 将其储存起来,然后将其转移到燃气调节/微型涡轮机系统中,该系统为工艺和公用事业需求产生电力和热水.

这些优势帮助该设施获得了2013年华盛顿工业能源领袖奖,因为该项目采用了设计-建造交付, 设计师与施工团队密切合作,考虑了设施的能源和生命周期成本,并实施了节约能源和电力的解决方案.

Not only is this renewable energy helping the environment and reducing 电 costs, 我们还设计了几个功能,以满足LEED™银牌标准. Our team ultimately self-performed all design disciplines for the LEED™ Silver‐certified Water Resource Center, Treatment Operations Facility and Maintenance Buildings; including mechanical, 电, 结构, 民事, 仪表和控制(1&C), heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), architectural, geo技术 and process. 我们也领导了许可, 施工管理, 庭院管道, 设备安装, 过程机械, 混凝土/土建工作, SCADA与我&C安装和长期O&M运营和计划.

美国设计建造学会授予scwrf国家奖 in 2012, 认可团队的优秀, integrated approach to deliver design and construction services under one contract with a single point of responsibility.

有兴趣了解更多关于雅各布斯如何将无形的想法转化为更紧密联系的智能解决方案, 可持续的世界?
